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NBC's Brian Williams Bows To President Obama

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How much is NBC's Brian Williams in the tank for President Obama?

Well, at the end of part I of the Nightly News's "Inside the Obama White House" special report Tuesday, Williams, as he was saying good night to the president, actually bowed his head.

I kid you not (embedded video and partial transcript below the fold):?

BRIAN WILLIAMS: Now it is first family time and time for us to say good night. Mr. President...

Pres. OBAMA: All right.

WILLIAMS: ...that's your elevator.

Pres. OBAMA: It is. Thank you.

WILLIAMS: Thank you, sir. (bows head) Have a good evening.

Pres. OBAMA: Appreciate it. Thank you very much.

WILLIAMS: We'll see you Tuesday. Thank you.

Pres. OBAMA: Thank you.

Any questions?

NBC's Brian Williams Bows To President Obama

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

NBC's Brian Williams Bows To President Obama

[Source: Duluth News]

NBC's Brian Williams Bows To President Obama

[Source: News Weekly]

NBC's Brian Williams Bows To President Obama

[Source: Sun News]

posted by 77767 @ 12:33 PM, ,

Setting The Stage For Cairo

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Obama has had something of a media coup in the Middle Eastern press, especially Iran:

A headline from state-run Iran Daily declares, "Obama to Get Mideast Talks Back on Track," while, according to
Saudi English-language outlet Arab News, Obama's trip "evokes hope
for the future" in Saudis. A sub-head in Pakistani newspaper Dawn declares that Obama looks to revive peace talks "while a US confrontation steadily builds with Israel." Both Iran Daily and the Iranian Islamic Republic News Agency ran stories on Obama's discussions of Iranian nuclear-energy ambitions--both of them posing Obama favorably.

Hezbollah-run Al-Manar TV highlighted Israeli criticism of Obama and played up
the souring of relations under Bush. Obama has the chance "be marked as
an ally of Muslims, not an adversary as his predecessor was cast," according to an editorial in Qatari English-language daily The Peninsula. The English-language Yemen Post reported
that Obama's trip has "kindled hope," though Muslims want to see
tangible policy changes. In an op-ed in The Jordan Times, former
Jordanian Minister of Culture Faisal Al Rfouh writes Obama's visit "could hold the key" to the basic issues of Israeli/Palestinian peace and Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Know hope.

Setting The Stage For Cairo

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Setting The Stage For Cairo

[Source: Television News]

Setting The Stage For Cairo

[Source: China News]

Setting The Stage For Cairo

[Source: News Station]

posted by 77767 @ 12:27 PM, ,

Setting The Stage For Cairo

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Obama has had something of a media coup in the Middle Eastern press, especially Iran:

A headline from state-run Iran Daily declares, "Obama to Get Mideast Talks Back on Track," while, according to
Saudi English-language outlet Arab News, Obama's trip "evokes hope
for the future" in Saudis. A sub-head in Pakistani newspaper Dawn declares that Obama looks to revive peace talks "while a US confrontation steadily builds with Israel." Both Iran Daily and the Iranian Islamic Republic News Agency ran stories on Obama's discussions of Iranian nuclear-energy ambitions--both of them posing Obama favorably.

Hezbollah-run Al-Manar TV highlighted Israeli criticism of Obama and played up
the souring of relations under Bush. Obama has the chance "be marked as
an ally of Muslims, not an adversary as his predecessor was cast," according to an editorial in Qatari English-language daily The Peninsula. The English-language Yemen Post reported
that Obama's trip has "kindled hope," though Muslims want to see
tangible policy changes. In an op-ed in The Jordan Times, former
Jordanian Minister of Culture Faisal Al Rfouh writes Obama's visit "could hold the key" to the basic issues of Israeli/Palestinian peace and Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Know hope.

Setting The Stage For Cairo

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Setting The Stage For Cairo

[Source: Television News]

Setting The Stage For Cairo

[Source: Mexico News]

Setting The Stage For Cairo

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Setting The Stage For Cairo

[Source: International News]

posted by 77767 @ 10:49 AM, ,

Lorne Gunter: How I learned to love Air Canada

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In February, I found myself bobbing around the Caribbean for a week with about 70 supporters of the National Citizens Coalition and half a dozen other talking heads.

One of the other chattering types was my National Post colleague, David Frum. Over post-dinner drinks one evening, David and a clutch of guests started talking about airlines. Much to the guests' chagrin, David gave a very spirited defence of Air Canada, claiming it was either the finest or one of the finest airlines in the world.

Only in Canada (or at least among a gaggle of Canadians cruising a tropical sea) could a discussion of which carrier provided the most legroom in economy class or the best buy-on-board treats or the most on-time departures become a symbol for a broader political debate.

To this day, conservatives -- especially Western conservatives -- dislike Air Canada. Our enmity comes from the way the former state airline was forced on us in the bad old days of airline regulation. You say you want to fly to Ottawa, Mr. Hick. Well, you'll do it when we tell you and pay what we tell you. And you'll fly through Toronto both ways, even though there's no special need to. And when you get home, you'll pay added income tax to subsidize keeping our head office in Montreal to encourage Quebecers to vote Liberal.

All of this was compounded, too, by the way the shelter of regulation bred sneering indifference for customers among Air Canada's staff. The eye-rolling sigh of the ticket agent at an extra-heavy bag. The perceptible harrumph of the gate agent when posed a simple question. The tongue-click of the flight attendant asked for a drink refill.

We were giddy, then, when we got the chance to fly WestJet instead. Not only was it a point of regional pride, there were leather seats, cheap fares and the flight attendants were like the cool-kid waiters at your favourite hip-casual restaurant. They liked the fact you were on board. You weren't an impediment to them enjoying their day.

And they joked about having to play a recording in French of every announcement they made live in English. (Yeah! Rage against the bilingual machine!)

But come closer now. This is just between you and me: David was right. Air Canada is a pretty good airline.

Having had to make several cross-continent junkets this year on American air carriers, Air Canada looks like limousine service by comparison. U. S. airlines offer buses with wings. They leave late, a lot. They manage to turn a four-hour flight into a 12-hour ordeal by routing you from Edmonton to Las Vegas, Las Vegas to Charlotte, Charlotte to Atlanta or Charleston or Fort Lauderdale. And there's no food on board, not even for purchase and not even if they make you so late there's no chance for even a fast food dinner before your connecting flight.

Meanwhile, on a recent 10-hour, transatlantic flight with my family, Air Canada had an exceptional service crew, fantastic seat-back entertainment choices, a couple of decent meals and even ice cream midflight.

I am still a dedicated WestJet customer, but I would fly Air Canada without hesitation.

Still, that's not why I want Air Canada to survive. As a consumer, I want the competition so prices are kept in check. In fact, there is nothing that says that competition has to be Air Canada. Some successor airline or airlines would do. Open Skies -- a policy in which any airline, Canadian or foreign, could fly all-Canadian routes -- would suffice, too.

Heck, I don't even trust wonderful, funky, casual-Fridays-seven-days-a-week WestJet to stay lean and innovative in the absence of other choices for passengers' dollars.

As a taxpayer, I don't like Air Canada, or WestJet or any other airline enough to bail them out and keep them in the skies. Making you and me give billions to air carriers through our taxes so we can save a couple hundred dollars on our next ticket to Montreal makes no sense.

Still, if there are going to be other options for my flying dollars, I think Frum is right: Air Canada is a good one. And I never expected to say that.

National Post

Lorne Gunter: How I learned to love Air Canada

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Lorne Gunter: How I learned to love Air Canada

[Source: Sunday News]

Lorne Gunter: How I learned to love Air Canada

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Lorne Gunter: How I learned to love Air Canada

[Source: Abc 7 News]

posted by 77767 @ 7:04 AM, ,

BREAKING: Granite State Backs Gay Marriage

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The NH House and Senate today approved a bill that would allow gay marriage in the Granite State, making it the sixth nationally to back such an initiative. The final vote in the House was 198-176; the state Senate earlier approved the proposal along party lines, 14-10.

Gov. John Lynch (D) has said he would sign the legislation, which was revised at his request to include greater protections for religious groups and officials unwilling to marry gays or lesbians.

NH joins CT, IA, MA, VT and ME.

BREAKING: Granite State Backs Gay Marriage

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

BREAKING: Granite State Backs Gay Marriage

[Source: Cnn News]

BREAKING: Granite State Backs Gay Marriage

[Source: News Herald]

BREAKING: Granite State Backs Gay Marriage

[Source: Sun News]

posted by 77767 @ 6:56 AM, ,

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

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Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) indicated today that his current job would be his last, "a statement likely to deflate the hopes of many conservatives around the country that he'd run for president in 2012," according to Real Clear Politics.

Said Daniels: "I've only ever run for or held one office. It's the last one I'm going to hold."

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

[Source: State News]

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

[Source: State News]

Daniels Ends 2012 Speculation

[Source: Kenosha News]

posted by 77767 @ 6:24 AM, ,

Kevin Spacey plans film of real-life sea captain's Somali ordeal

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The second true story of bravery battling pirates is announced in as many months, after Kevin Spacey buys the rights to Richard Phillips's story

A US sea captain whose dramatic rescue from pirates made headlines across the globe earlier this year is to be the subject of a new Hollywood film.

Richard Phillips, a 53-year-old father of two who secured the safety of his cargo ship, the Maersk Alabama, by offering himself as a hostage to Somali pirates, has sold his story to Columbia Pictures.

Phillips was held for five days off the coast of Somalia last month before US navy snipers shot dead three of the four men who had imprisoned him on a lifeboat, an action authorised by president Obama. The fourth pirate surrendered and is in custody.

The film is being co-produced by Kevin Spacey, who would appear to be an obvious candidate to play Phillips, although no casting details have yet emerged. Columbia has optioned the film rights to the captain's forthcoming memoir.

"We were drawn to this remarkable story of heroism and courage as events were unfolding off the coast of Africa," said Columbia co-president Doug Belgard.

The film based on Phillips' story will not be the only movie to be centred on pirate activities off Somalia's 2,000-mile coastline, which has become the most dangerous strip of sea in the world, with weekly attacks on European ships.

Earlier this month it was announced that Samuel L Jackson had secured the life rights to the story of Andrew Mwangura, who heads the Seafarer's Assistance Programme (SAP), a non-profit piracy monitoring group that works to release imperiled crews and vessels off the coast of Africa. Jackson is said to be interested in playing Mwangura in a forthcoming film.

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Kevin Spacey plans film of real-life sea captain's Somali ordeal

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Kevin Spacey plans film of real-life sea captain's Somali ordeal

[Source: La News]

Kevin Spacey plans film of real-life sea captain's Somali ordeal

[Source: Sunday News]

Kevin Spacey plans film of real-life sea captain's Somali ordeal

[Source: Channel 6 News]

posted by 77767 @ 5:42 AM, ,


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