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Reason Morning Links: Is It Still News When the Government Takes Over a Car Company?

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• GM files for bankruptcy. Washington will give the company an additional $30 billion to play with, and will take a 60 percent stake in return. The U.S. isn't the only government taking ownership: Another 12 percent goes to Canada.

• The Nevada legislature overrides a veto and legalizes domestic partnerships.

• Someone who hasn't parsed the phrase "pro-life" very carefully has killed an abortionist.

• The emergency powers behind the Fed's Wall Street bailouts.

• Irony alert: A report making the case for stronger intellectual property rights was partly plagiarized.

Reason Morning Links: Is It Still News When the Government Takes Over a Car Company?

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Reason Morning Links: Is It Still News When the Government Takes Over a Car Company?

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Reason Morning Links: Is It Still News When the Government Takes Over a Car Company?

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Reason Morning Links: Is It Still News When the Government Takes Over a Car Company?

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Reason Morning Links: Is It Still News When the Government Takes Over a Car Company?

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Reason Morning Links: Is It Still News When the Government Takes Over a Car Company?

[Source: Nascar News]

posted by 77767 @ 5:46 PM, ,

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

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My cup of sartorial joy brims over with the discovery of Ari Cohen's blog, Advanced Style, which chronicles the style of the chicest, wackiest and best dressed of America's older generation. Here you will find inspiration from vintage style mavens, ranging from 93-year-old model Mimi Weddell, to a dude from Seattle whose fine legs are displayed in stockings and who is topped off with a blazer and cap. Then there's fabric designer Elizabeth Sweetheart, who dresses entirely in green - a different outfit every day. She was recently profiled in New York magazine where she explained the genesis of her eccentric but bizarrely successful look. "I began wearing green nail varnish and it just spread all over me."

Cohen, 27, started the blog last summer. He works in the bookstore at the New Museum but originally came from Seattle where his best friend was his grandmother. "I adored my grandparents. Older people's style has evolved and they don't mind what other people think so much. They just aren't so self-conscious." He says that when he moved to New York last May he noticed immediately how vibrant and stylish older people in the city were, and wanted to start a project to bring that into focus.

The site is gathering momentum along with a mood of greater acceptance and respect for the older practitioners of style consciousness. "People have started to notice older people more," explains Cohen. "You can learn so much from the way an old person wears a coat that they have had for ever with maybe a hat, for instance - these are the last people around who know how to dress formally and they have a confidence about them that younger people just don't have."

Recent trends spotted on the site include bright red lipstick and huge dark glasses - neither of which are age specific but do look fabulous on the denizens of Advanced Style. There's no doubt that when the fat lady finally starts singing, she will do so in Balenciaga, with a slash of red lipstick and possibly some kid gloves taken out of a closet and smelling of the lavender in which they were for decades preserved.

? Emma Soames is editor-at-large of Saga magazine. ? Guardian News & Media Limited 2009 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: News Paper]

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: Boston News]

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: News Headlines]

Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

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Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

[Source: International News]

posted by 77767 @ 5:31 PM, ,

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

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Steve Herzfeld managed an admirably inventive end-run around high healthcare costs for his Parkinson's- and Alzheimer's-afflicted parents. After in-home care was no longer possible, he priced American nursing homes, but found that the cheapest acceptable option was still $6,000. So he sent them to India. Quality elderly care in Puducherry cost less than his father's fixed income. According to the Guardian:

[In India, Herzfeld] could give his parents a much higher standard of care than would have been possible in the US for his father's income of $2,000 (£1,200) a month. In India that paid for their rent, a team of carers—a cook, a valet for his father, nurses to be with his mother 12 hours a day, six days a week, a physiotherapist and a masseuse—and drugs (costing a fifth of US prices), and also allowed them to put some money away...."In India, they really like older people," says Herzfeld, describing how the staff seemed to regard his parents as their own family.

Of course, the care was inexpensive because a couple thousand bucks goes further in Puducherry than it might in, say, Fort Lauderdale. Herzfeld, though, apparently believes that it was cheap because elderly care in America is greedily overpriced by providers. He vents about about healthcare and the profit motive: 

[Herzfeld] believes that India could teach the US and UK a lot about care of the elderly. "In America, healthcare is done for profit, so that skews the whole thing and makes it very inhuman in its values," he says.

I try not to begrudge a man his fantasies, but the idea that the nurses, valets, and masseuses of Puducherry were doing it all out of the goodness of their hearts—rather than the goodness of their paychecks—is condescending. It was simple outsourcing, not subcontinental altruism, that saved Steve Herzfeld so much money.

In Reason's May 2009 print edition, Ronald Bailey wrote about the outsourcing of hip replacement.

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Wb News]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Mexico News]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Nascar News]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Kenosha News]

posted by 77767 @ 3:21 PM, ,

Will Ferrell Eats Reindeer Eyeballs on Man vs. Wild

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Will Ferrell and Bear Grylls

Stars often go to shameless lengths to promote their movies, but Will Ferrell's Man vs. Wild stunt has raised the bar.

The funnyman will appear on the show Tuesday night (10 pm, Discovery Channel) in a cross-promotional stunt for his new movie, Land of the Lost. The show features Ferrell and host Bear Grylls during 48 hours in the subzero temperatures of the north Sweden wilderness.

In the episode, Ferrell is lowered into the wilderness by rope from a helicopter before hiking with makeshift snowshoes through waist-high snow. He then spends the night with Grylls in a cave, dining on grilled reindeer eyeballs from the head of a carcass...

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Will Ferrell Eats Reindeer Eyeballs on Man vs. Wild

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Will Ferrell Eats Reindeer Eyeballs on Man vs. Wild

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Will Ferrell Eats Reindeer Eyeballs on Man vs. Wild

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Will Ferrell Eats Reindeer Eyeballs on Man vs. Wild

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Will Ferrell Eats Reindeer Eyeballs on Man vs. Wild

[Source: News 4]

posted by 77767 @ 3:08 PM, ,

Dancing Champs' Balls Are Busted

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Mark Ballas, Shawn Johnson

Note to future Dancing with the Stars winners: Handle your Mirrorballs with care.

Newly crowned Season 8 champs Shawn Johnson and Mark Ballas learned that the hard way after they ...

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Dancing Champs' Balls Are Busted

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Dancing Champs' Balls Are Busted

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Dancing Champs' Balls Are Busted

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Dancing Champs' Balls Are Busted

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Dancing Champs' Balls Are Busted

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Dancing Champs' Balls Are Busted

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posted by 77767 @ 2:21 PM, ,


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